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A DOS handler for HTTP access.
DateRevision  Author  Project  
20220602 13:28  1185  chris  http-handler  
unknown changes which were in my local repo
20220602 13:28  1184  chris  http-handler  
v1.11 - AmiSSL v5 update
20170324 01:21  1112  chris  http-handler  
20170324 01:12  1111  chris  http-handler  
Update for latest SDK/newlib/AmiSSLv4
20150104 20:27  1046  chris  http-handler  
20140825 17:19  983  chris  http-handler  
Fix a bug causing a "Could not connect to server:
Socket descriptor number exceeds FD_SETSIZE" error.
20140809 00:00  981  chris  http-handler  
20140713 13:55  980  chris  http-handler  
Implement fake locks for servers that aren't class 2 compliant
20140712 14:43  979  chris  http-handler  
Implement locking properly - WebDAV locks will now be passed to the server.
20140628 18:57  978  chris  http-handler  
Update for beta4 release
20140628 18:42  977  chris  http-handler  
New Examine packets now working.
Other things (MultiView opening files, deleting through WB, etc) now appear
to be broken.
20140628 17:22  976  chris  http-handler  
return examinedata structure
20140217 21:00  902  chris  http-handler  
Enable scanning of root.  Crashing again.
20140217 20:55  901  chris  http-handler  
More fixes
20140217 20:54  900  chris  http-handler  
Activate ExamineDataDir
20140217 20:53  899  chris  http-handler  
Make it build again
20140217 20:49  898  chris  http-handler  
add examinedatadir (untested)
20131013 15:14  880  chris  http-handler  
initial non-working and incomplete ACTION_EXAMINEDATA#? support
To get a working webdav-handler revert back the packet changes at the
bottom of the file!
20130801 00:25  843  chris  http-handler  
Set dn_Startup to NULL, fixes WBInfo crash (credit: salass00)
20130408 21:44  827  chris  http-handler  
Update libneon so it works with latest libssl
20130408 21:08  826  chris  http-handler  
Random debug stuff
20130329 19:12  825  chris  http-handler  
Fix directories appearing inside themselves.  WB is now reporting some
directories to be files *sigh*
20130224 18:56  821  chris  http-handler  
simple readme
20130224 18:49  820  chris  http-handler  
Aminet release - beta3
20130224 18:40  819  chris  http-handler  
Remove noisy debug for Aminet release
20120406 13:28  726  chris  http-handler  
Support SSL connections
20120317 18:13  725  chris  http-handler  
add stuff about debug log
20120317 18:10  724  chris  http-handler  
readme for initial beta release 3.1
20120317 18:04  723  chris  http-handler  
Blank example mountlist
20120311 16:16  722  chris  http-handler  
implement soft write protect
20120305 20:03  721  chris  http-handler  
Some sort of structure for proposed commodity to monitor net traffic
20120304 00:16  720  chris  http-handler  
Use GetSucc instead of ln_Succ, appears to have resolved the nonsense
entries appearing in Examine
20120303 18:54  719  chris  http-handler  
skip entries where filename is 0 bytes (still getting random entries
returned though)
20120302 21:08  717  chris  http-handler  
fix seek some more, reading pdfs direct from webdav now working
20120302 20:30  716  chris  http-handler  
Fix random access writes - can now LhA directly to a WebDAV share, and
extract data from a WebDAV hosted LhA direct to that same server.
20120302 00:55  715  chris  http-handler  
stop random access requests from crashing (lha direct to webdav only
creates a 1 byte file though)
20120229 21:16  714  chris  http-handler  
fix seek
add getfilesize64 (handler is not 64-bit capable though, so will only return 32-bit range)
20120229 20:43  713  chris  http-handler  
move http-handler v1 and v2 into subdir
20120229 20:38  712  chris  http-handler  
crate out own message port rather than using the process' one (apparently
this can cause problems with C library functions... but doesn't seem to be
the cause of our random crashes)
20120229 01:20  711  chris  http-handler  
alloc doslist through dos.library
20120228 00:58  710  chris  http-handler  
fix filetohost to cope when the device name is missing, this should resolve
the issue with moving files (untested as webspace is not letting me create
20120227 23:52  709  chris  http-handler  
fix usage of files containing spaces (and other URL-encoded characters)
20120227 23:47  708  chris  http-handler  
fix write
20120227 01:31  707  chris  http-handler  
fix read() some more
keep a pointer to fhnode to avoid the crazy lookup
close() is crashing after write (during returnpacket?!)
20120226 18:16  706  chris  http-handler  
read and seek now appear to be working correctly
added hack to always wait for all requested bytes (apparently it is ok not
to do this, but notepad and multiview weren't having any of it)
20120226 17:59  705  chris  http-handler  
Cache open/read/write/close data
20120223 21:04  702  chris  http-handler  
Set filesystem ID to DAV class, or NDOS if not DAV. fail if no startup
parameter present.
20120223 21:02  701  chris  http-handler  
more test mountlists (invalid drives)
20120222 22:25  700  chris  http-handler  
Read file datestamps
Fix examine_fh
(Opening files in Notepad still isn't reading the entire file)
20120222 21:33  699  chris  http-handler  
up-to-date specification
Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström