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Title:Multiuser simple
Design simple multi user support that does not involve file and process permissions
DateRevision  Author  Project  
20130706 22:25  842  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
Added screen specification
20120903 06:32  748  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
Some more ideas and findings added, it would be easier if I had not sold my uA1 a few years ago ;)
20120826 22:10  747  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
Some new ideas documented in ideas.txt, very first alpha draft ;)
20100730 09:19  483  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
20100604 10:00  482  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
Updated configuration examples for users and groups to use XML
20090713 22:36  308  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
small update to the specification
20090711 22:38  307  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
First draft of the specification, very rough...
20090711 22:27  306  MoonSire  Multiuser simple  
Directory structure created
20080906 02:39  1  orgin  
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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström